2025 Season Passes now available! Learn More
Boating is fun, but we must be safe and take precautions. Please review the following criteria. Participant(s) must able to complete all of the tasks below to be eligible to participant in the Universal Access program per DCR* & ACA** regulations.
Must be able to manage personal care such as dressing and toileting independently or with the assistance of a companion (friend, PCA, family member) who accompanies individual.
Must be able to wear protective equipment properly, such as bike helmets and personal flotation devices.
Must be able to refrain from dangerous behavior (such as aggression) to self or others.
Must be able to breathe independently without the use of medical devices to sustain breathing.
Must be comfortable with being wet and in the water.
Must be able and willing to wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device properly.
Must be able to hold head upright without head support.
Must be able to tolerate sitting in a kayak or canoe with or without modification for 30 minutes.
Must be able to maintain a sealed mouth while underwater.
Must be able to independently turn from face down to face up and remain face up while wearing a properly fitted personal flotation device.
Must be able and willing to paddle with the group at a designated pace (based on slowest paddlers).
Must be able and willing to tolerate air temperatures between 60 and 95 degrees F for one hour.
Must be able and willing to tolerate water temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees for 30 minutes.
* Department of Conservation & Recreation
** American Canoe Association